Red Rose Bouquet
A stunning Red Rose bouquet featuring only the finest red roses, symbolising love and passion. Perfect for proposals, anniversaries, and special celebrations, this elegant arrangement beautifully expresses your deepest emotions. Available in 12, 24, 36, or 99 stems.
To order 99-stem bouquet, simply contact us by phone 2721 8800 or WhatsApp us by clicking the button below.
Order Lead Time: 2 Days
The bouquet in the pictures is of 12-stem size. Photos are for reference only.
Greeting Card (Optional)
We delivery to below areas:
- Hong Kong Island: $120
- Kowloon: $180
- New Territories: $250
- Within Pacific Place 1 & 2 Offices, Pacific Place Apartments, Conrad Hotel, Island Shangri-la Hotel and The Upper House: $50
- Pacific Place Mall: Free – Please contact
us directly at 2721 8800 or WhatsApp: +852 6625 8060 for your order.
For following areas, please contact us directly:
Asia-World Expo, Discovery Bay, Disneyland,
Disneyland Hotel, Lantau Island, Lok Ma Chau, Ma Wan, Sunny Bay, The Airport, Tung Chung
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